Tip: Open QlikView Without Data in Windows Explorer

I often use the Open ‘MyQVW’ Without Data option in Recently Opened Documents:

This is especially useful for quickly looking at the script or UI of very large QVWs, without having to wait for all the data to load (if you can open it at all away from your server!)

My trivial (but I find handy) tip is to add a QlikView Without Data option to the Windows SendTo context menu, so that I can right-click and open any QVW this way, even if it’s not in the Recently Opened Documents list:

To accomplish this, simply:

  • Navigate to the SendTo directory (on Windows 7 for instance, type shell:sendto into the start search field and hit Enter to open it)
  • Create a QlikView Without Data.cmd file in the SendTo directory, containing the following two lines:
start "QlikView" QV.exe /nodata %*
if errorlevel 1 pause

And Presto! my humongous QVW opens in less than a second.

One tiny tweak would be to remove the .cmd extension from the context menu to make it more similar to the other items in the menu. One can for instance move the .cmd file to a different directory, and then create a shortcut (which doesn’t need an extension) in the SendTo directory that points to the .cmd file.

Hope it helps!

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